Other Payment Options:
You can pay your course fees by internet banking or at a branch. Our bank details are:
Bank: ANZ Bank
Acc Name: Atomic Light Enterprises Pty Ltd
BSB: 016 016
Acc No.: 202 591 486
Please Note: As a reference, please include your full name (or the student's if you are paying for someone else). Once you have made the payment, please email:[email protected], so we can confirm the funds have cleared on our end (this can take up to 5 working days). We will then email you a full confirmation pack.
Bank: ANZ Bank
Acc Name: Atomic Light Enterprises Pty Ltd
BSB: 016 016
Acc No.: 202 591 486
Please Note: As a reference, please include your full name (or the student's if you are paying for someone else). Once you have made the payment, please email:[email protected], so we can confirm the funds have cleared on our end (this can take up to 5 working days). We will then email you a full confirmation pack.